Scuba Training

Rebreather Scuba Training

Rebreather Scuba Training

Silence is golden, at least it is while diving a rebreather.  Rebreather Scuba training with The Rebreather Zone.  We offer training for all levels of rebreather diving.  From recreational CCR to Technical CCR diving, we cover a wide array of courses.

Do you think rebreathers are just for technical diving? Think again because the latest rebreathers are lightweight, easy-transportable units that use sophisticated electronics to simplify their use. Rebreathers allow longer no decompression limits, reduced gas consumption and unmatched wildlife encounters.

When it comes to Technical Diving, CCR's are the king, with shortened decompression times, smaller amounts of gas required, and longer duration dives possible, a rebreather is great for technical diving.


Technical Open Circuit Training

Technical Open Circuit Training

The rebreather zone isn't just about rebreathers.  We also offer a large selection of TDI, IANTD and PADI technical open circuit scuba courses.  If you're already finding that the recreational scuba diving limits are shallower than you want to go, then maybe Technical diving is for you?

Technical diving is a term used to describe all diving methods that exceed the limits imposed on depth and/or immersion time for recreational scuba diving. Technical diving often involves the use of special gas mixtures (other than compressed air) for breathing. The type of gas mixture used is determined either by the maximum depth planned for the dive or by the length of time that the diver intends to spend underwater. While the recommended maximum depth for conventional scuba diving is 130 feet 39 Meters, technical divers may dive to depths as deep as 330 Feet (100 M) or deeper.  Do you want to learn more?


Divers On a Training

Instructor Training

Are you an experienced diver or dive instructor and passionate technical diver? Are you ready to take your love of diving to a professional level? Rebreather Zone offers instructor courses from recreational to technical, Open Circuit to CCR, and almost every specialty in between.